2009年11月22日 星期日


雖然自己跑步的年齡,在許多跑者的年資中眼中,大概只能算是剛受孕的胚胎,但是短短的幾個月中,其實自己是有些感觸和發現的,愈來愈認同村上春樹所說的:『跑步本來就是痛苦的』、『跑步沒有行不行,只有要不要』。從一開始只能跑1500公尺到現在至少可以跑到8000公尺,覺得自己是不斷地挑戰自己的極限吧~好像在跟跑步這個對手說:『儘管放馬過來』的感覺,每當要起步時,總是自信滿滿的向對手說:『nothing is fearful』,隨著時間和距離的推進,雙腳卻開始顯得有點力不從心,呼吸也變得不平緩,有點上氣不接下氣的困窘,胸口開始有點悶,肩膀的肌肉為了支持手的擺動,也顯得有些僵硬和費力氣,剛好跑在紅磚道上,紅磚道凹凸不平、地質堅硬,讓原本出力的雙腿,遇到堅硬的地板,就像是用盡力氣將手中的球丟向厚重的牆壁時,換來的是更用力和快速的反彈一樣,雙腳板因身體的重量重重地踏在紅磚道上,紅磚道也毫不留情將這股力量反彈到身上來,就這樣一來一往的讓身體更顯得有些吃不消了。就這樣第1圈跑完了邁入到第2圈,因為大半的力氣已經用盡,接下來的跑步只能靠著意志力了,心裡只是想著:『專注在跑步上就好了,反正就是跑步』之類的話來鼓勵自己,愈接近原來開始跑的地方,心理的緊張和身體的疲累狀態就愈減少許多,到了第3圈時,整個人開始有種恍神的狀態,心思好像有種被抽空的感覺,只感覺身體的疲累和急促的呼吸逐漸地轉變為一陣模糊的知覺,習慣地跟著我跑步一樣,不是輕鬆、不是疲累、不是緊張、不是急促、就是一種『正在』跑步的感覺,不是飄飄然的解離狀態,而是一種真實的存在感,眼前的景物不是景物,只是跑步時的景物,彷彿當下跑步是最重要的事情,一路恍惚和專注的來回之後,跑完了全程。

"What most human beings really want to attain is not knowledge, but certainty. Gaining real knowledge requires taking risks and keeping the mind open—but most people prefer to be reassured rather than to learn the complex and often unsettling truth about anything.

In this statement, the speaker claims people will get real knowledge while they are open-mind and full of courages. However, they often maintain the status quo rather than take chance to get more truth.

It is true that to get or discover something should take some risks to us, even, these knowledge could force us to change or break the given knowledge. For example, in 14th century, Copernicus proclaimed Sun at the center of universe. However, this statement endangered the Holy that supported earth at the center of universe. He never gave up his findings even he was treated as a traitor of Holy. The contemporary astrology depended upon Copernicus' findings.

Another example illustrates that we do need courages to gain new information. Some people reported superstitious experience they encountered. In the past, superstitious experiences were associated with religious events. However, those could be evidenced by scientific research. Some scientists believes those are caused by our brain.

Yet, it's not to say people don't want to face the truth. People will feel confused and conflicts with their given experiences while new reality are discussed. Sometime, we will refuse to accept new truth for surviving. Besides,someone could make sure these changes is better and safer to us.

To sum up, I agree that people need more time to get new truth after giving more promises. We will imagine some terrible consequences after changing besides of some guarantee from someone about the future. Therefore, comprehensive illustrations are very important and necessary after we present new truth.

